Sunday, December 24, 2017

Pueblo Zoo Electricritters

This is the 25th year for the Pueblo Zoo fundraiser called Electicritters.  This year there are 150 displays designed by local artists.  Tickets at the gate are $7.00 for adults, but tickets may be purchased in advance for a reduced cost and quicker entry into the event!  Following are just a few samples of the numerous displays!
We love how the moon made this photo even more enchanting!
Simple, but sweet!
Enjoy your tour of Electricritters!
We loved these walk-through displays!
This rhino put on an ever changing light show!
Many of the displays, such as Santa's sled dog team, were designed to appear to be moving!
This was a simple, but fun display in some bushes.
Click on this picture to get a closer look!

This display reminded me of a large snake we saw in Texas that climbed a tree!
You can see the extra light circuits that made these African Wild Dogs appear to be wagging their tails.
We're glad we made it to the Electricritter light show for Christmas and look forward to returning to the zoo in the Spring to see the 500 resident animals!