Thursday, February 25, 2010


It was a dark and stormy night, when we heard shouting and multiple slams of doors from the couple next door! Threats of leaving were heard and a car started. Ultimatums of if you leave, then don't come back were made. As all calmed down and visions of sugarplums returned to our heads, round two began. Once again near sleep, round three. Someone was banished to the car for the night, and was heard to pace. Being up through the night, Monday was a sleepy day! We decided living in an apartment or condo could be worse, as we'd be stuck next to the battleground. The male of the household left Monday and hasn't returned. Should the battles resume, we can move to a new lot or down the road! All's been quiet to the east of us, but now the battles have begun to the west! It seems like trailer park argument protocol requires lots of slamming of the trailer's door, as well as, the cars! I hope we're not next!!! If so, we'll know what to do! In the trailer park there is a rule to pick-up after your pets. A lady a few lots away follows through during the day, but is sometimes derelict in her duties at night. She lets her three small dogs out to go where they will before letting them in. They sometimes choose to visit our dogs area, and I get to do the clean-up. I guess being in a camper in an RV park doesn't end neighbor problems,but it sure can shorten the duration! Despite the drama, we've decided to stay here for two more weeks. Getting our first two weeks rolled into a monthly rate, rather than start fresh on a weekly rate elsewhere, is like getting a two hundred dollars savings. Roy has our bikes ready to ride and we can add riding to our health plan. Roy mentioned today about seeking out some paved pathways. We both want to settle into reading and projects. In two more weeks, we'll either be more settled-in or ready to roll.