Monday, February 15, 2010

What Are We Doing?

We've been asked what do we do now that we're living in the camper. I'm sure there is some belief that people do something different then they would normally do on the day to day. From what we've read in the RV books and our experience so far; other than being in different locations and seeing different scenery, our activities are much the same as before. The wonderful exception is in the amount of home and yard maintenance! Despite the bad weather we've encountered, the one aspect of camper life that I'm really enjoying is opening the camper to the sunshine and fresh air on the pleasant days. It's like living with nature yet having the comforts of home. Hopefully if one coordinates their travels with the seasons just right, they should have lots of sunny warm weather to enjoy! We enjoy each others company, the pets, home cooked meals, sushi restaurants, movies, reading, and time on the internet. I even have my sewing machine. I hope to make valances for our windows, and cat hammocks to donate to local shelters. With traveling there is the fun of exploring new stores, but so far Wal-Mart seems the same everywhere! We're discovering some local food differences in the grocery stores that are fun to try, but nothing so different. I can see where camper life wouldn't be to many people's liking, but then what is there that suits everyone, eh? Marilyn