Well the last few days have been a whirlwind of work and activity. Weekend yard sales in the morning and afternoon house projects. The yard sales are going slow, but things are disappearing. We have all the doors replaced now. The trim is still calling for attention. Marilyn has been busy painting outside trim and it really looks great. The master bath is getting closer all the time to being done. A house is a lot of work! The biggest thing is emptying the house of all the junk. Marilyn has a list of closets and drawers and has been checking them off one by one. It's getting so we hate to cook or do anything in the house that will make a mess. The dogs aren't helping at all. We listed the house as partially furnished, but when we got home from the realtors they had chewed one of the dining room chairs really bad. They are now staying in the garage in cages or outside on cables when we are too busy to keep a constant eye on them. Prin is suffering from acute (not cute) anxiety with all the preparations to downsize and go out on the road. Here is a list I found on the internet describing stressed dogs:
Dog Behaviors That Indicate Stress (Fits Prin's behavior)
Rapid, shallow or deep, forceful panting - Stress panting is presented with the lips pulled back in a wide "grin" causing deep wrinkles around the eyes and forehead.
Increased urination or defecation - Stressed dogs will often urinate or defecate in an inappropriate area even though they're fully housebroken.
Vomiting or diarrhea - The dog's digestive tract is frequently the first bodily function to react to stress.
Yawning - Yawning is one of the most common signs of stress. A stress yawn will be more pronounced than a sleepy yawn.
Avoidance - A stressed dog will often turn away or shy away from us when they are stressed.
Shaking/shivering - Stress will frequently cause the dog to shiver or shake even though they may not be cold or wet.
Confusion - A dog will often present signs of confusion or abnormal behavior when stressed. Be cautious when interpreting this symptom as it can also be a sign of a seizure or diabetic hypoglycemia. (Prin is showing dull eyes)
Whining or growling - Vocalization is very typical in a stressed out dog and is a sign of heightened anxiety.
Stretching - Stretching is the dog's way of relaxing muscles tightened by a stressful situation.
While not an exhaustive list, these are just a few of the signs that can help you recognize when your dog is stressed.