Roy and I are slowly getting to know the local communities. It's hard to capture a city with a few pictures, but here are a few glimpses

This appears to be the original downtown area of Marble Falls. It has the cute shops like so many revitalized downtowns, and lots of artwork displayed on the streets. The main business strip of town has the normal hustle-bustle of mini-malls, chain stores, and Wal-Mart. Marble Falls is approximately 25 miles from our location and is where we've been going for our major shopping trips. The next few pictures are of Fredericksburg. It's about 30 miles from us.

You enter Fredericksburg on a main boulevard lined with several large hotels. The community looks polished, upbeat, and inviting to tourists. In the center of town is this large stone library and next to it is the courthouse.

This picture doesn't do justice to this interesting ornamental tree on the library grounds. The trunk and branches are totally smooth and appear barkless. You might get a better look at it by enlarging the picture. I'll let you know what it is when I find out. Across the street from the library is the stone fire department building and park pictured below. Many homes and businesses in this part of Texas are build with stone.

Beyond the center of town are a few blocks of tourist shops and then out to Wal-Mart on the edge of town. We've decided we may do our big shopping trips to Fredericksburg, as we can combine business with being tourists. On our way back home we spotted a ranch with the largest camels I have ever seen. They were so tall and long necked looking when feeding that they looked like a cross between a giraffe and camel. Now that was a sight! Below is a picture off the internet of what I guessed them to be.

This is an Arabian Camel or what is also known as a Dromedary. The picture doesn't do justice to how truly tall and magnificent they are. I'm anxious to get back to Fredericksburg to take another look. I'm curious if they are being kept as pets or if it is a business. Exotic animals seem to be common in this area.