The patch of land in the creek is Rice Island. It is the old location of a couple of baseball fields. It's just big enough for that purpose, and a parking area. The new baseball fields are located at a beautiful YMCA complex. The paved path goes right behind our camper!
The vehicle bridge going to the island is interesting. It is a concrete slab that may be above the water level when the creek is at its lowest. This seems to be the way low-usage bridges are built in this area. Heavy traffic bridges are like common bridges. It's fun to watch minnows swimming over this bridge! The old metal foot bridge has open grating. I've taken Sugar to it twice, but she doesn't have any interest in crossing it.
This is the Rice Island field. Wouldn't it make a perfect dog park? Prin and Sugar sure enjoy it! The only buildings on the island are the dugouts and stone concession stand. They could all be put to use as part of a dog park. I've mentioned the idea to a few people and may pursue it with a few other town officials.