Monday, May 24, 2010

Life's Not Perfekt

Oh no - not again!!! This time it's the rear bumper, and self inflicted. Roy was repositioning the truck to hook-up the trailer at Indian Lake State Park and he says he barely tapped a tree. The damage to the bumper and side panel keep the truck gate from opening. I guess the bright side is that we are back in our hometown in Michigan where all is familiar.

I've mentioned how I wrecked my back with my increased activity. In the last two weeks I aggravated it more with my youthful vigor, and blew it into a full sciatica attack. I won't elaborate like us older folks like to do other than to say it's the most painful thing I've ever had, and it's put the squash on many activities. I'm hearing it's a 4-6 week recovery. I'm at 2 weeks and counting. I'd like to say it's only up from here, but who knows what life has in store next. I'm counting on good things.