Fall is in the air here in southern Indiana. Here is the view out our dining area window. The days are a wonderful 70-80 degrees with the nights cooling into the 40s. I've been wanting to blog our activities, but it seems that there isn't much to tell. I've been working with Otis outside daily on his physical skills. He has made tremendous gains. Just yesterday, he began walking independently. He still has a ways to go to become steady on his feet, but he's literally off and running! A video is coming! Other activities include exercising dogs, reading, playing cards, eating Roy's good cooking, and doing some online projects for the Chippewa County Animal Shelter. Roy has been riding his bicycle daily and is doing 10-20 mile rides. Up until his knife accident he was getting some golf games in. Roy and I have been watching a wonderful t.v. series on DVD called,
The Tudors. It is about the reign of Henry VIII. It has peaked our interest about the time period several times, and we've gone to the internet for answers. We've recently gotten back into geocaching and have done several around Corydon. All is set for us to relocate to Campbellsville, Kentucky November 1st.