Thursday, February 24, 2011

Down South For The Winter

When Roy and I envisioned being down south for the Winter, we had visions of never having to deal with cold weather again. We even had planned a bonfire ceremony where Winter coats, gloves, and hats would be thrown into the fire. Thank goodness we didn't have time for our bonfire! Our first Winter in Florida was said to be the coldest in 38 years! Long Johns, coats, and hats felt good on occasion. This Winter we are in the vicinity of Austin, Texas. It's another odd Winter we're told. We have gone up and down the weather roller coaster from temperatures warm enough to wear shorts to crashing below freezing for a week at a time. Once again Winter-wear was appreciated. Bottom line: If you're planning on escaping to the south for the Winter, don't have a bonfire in anticipation of never feeling the sting of Winter again! Roy and I are considering giving the southwestern desert climate near Phoenix, Arizona a try next Winter. Depending on how it works out, we may have to put the camper on a boat for Fiji or Australia. Life in a camper is to be lived with the windows and door open to the sunshine and warmth, and not huddled inside trying to keep the plumbing from freezing. I think we're safe from the intense cold now, but that's yet to be seen!