The "Topock or Mystic Maze" is an officially designated archaeological site 12 miles southeast of Needles, CA. It is a 100 acre site with a 100 year controversy!
Three hypotheses have been studied:
1. That the gravel rows were made in conjunction with prehistoric agricultural activity.
2. That they were made as geoglyphs or earthen art and/or for prehistoric use in ceremony.
3. That they were byproducts of a modern gravel procurement operation and erosion control in conjunction with the construction of the railroad bridge and bed grade.
Go to the following link for an entertaining explanation of the history of the Mystic Maze: SCA Proceedings, Volume 25 (2011)
The Mystic Maze was locked into the minds of the public as a spectacular Indian ceremonial site when this artist's fanciful rendition of the then believed to be maze was released as a postcard for tourists. The artist accentuated the windrows of gravel as a maze, enlarged the rocks making them appear to be hand placed, and added Indians based on a rumor of their involvement with the structure's creation.
From Needles take Hwy. 40 south to Park Moabi Road. Turn right, which is the opposite direction from Pirate's Cove. Turn left at the first road and go until the pavement ends. Turn left and go about a mile down this well maintained road. The archaeological site is on the left side of the road. It sits back a ways from the road beyond a cabled boundary. You will see an industrial complex further ahead down the road.
While visiting the area, a lizard came out to greet Roy, the lizard man! Do you see it? It blends in well with its surroundings!
Here it is and still looking quite camouflaged!
We enjoyed our first hand look at the Mystic Maze and getting to meet this lizard. We think you would enjoy this site, too!