Ten miles north of Walsenburg near the Huerfano (War fuh no) Wind Farm sits a 300' mound of black rubble called Huerfano Butte. To a geologist it may be impressive, as the core of what was once a lone volcano out in the wide open spaces. It was named Huerfano Butte, as Huerfano means orphan. It sits about a half mile off the Highway 25 observation turnout, so without a great camera, the picture one can get of the butte is equally unimpressive. It sits on private property and isn't accessible without special permission.

This Internet picture is a little more impressive. It is a landmark that sits along a historic trappers trail. A bit of history about the butte that I found interesting, was that back in the day of the migration of people westward to California, it was proposed that a statue be placed atop the butte pointing the way! It apparently never came to be, though. Whether one finds Huerfano Butte impressive or otherwise, it is a local landmark with geological and historical significance!