This is Highway 281 which our RV park is on. This is 281 heading south to Blanco. Blanco is about 6 miles away.

Blanco has a town square with an old courthouse in the center. It is now a visitor center.

This is the west side of the square which 281 runs by. I saw a theatre sign on one of the doors where plays may be held. I'll have to see, if it is still active.

This is the south side of the square. The corner business is a restaurant/bar and down the street are antique shops and a clothing boutique.

This is the east side of the square. The pink building is city hall and the grey building down the street is the jail. I didn't get a picture of the north side of the square, but I spotted a cute cafe' with outdoor seating that Roy and I'll have to check out. It's a sweet little town that of course has spread from the old downtown square to some chain stores out on the town's edges.