January 1st is not only the start of a new year, but our one year anniversary of being full-time RVers! Monday afternoon, December 27th, we left Vicksburg heading toward Texas. Life on the road is good, with home cooked meals, playing computer games, and naps. It took us 3 days to make a 10 hour trip! Travel nights we like to spend in truck stops or Wal-mart lots. The hum of the trucks in truck stops allow us to feel comfortable running our generator to power the ceramic heaters and our toasty electric blanket. This was an especially nice spot, as it provided a big yard for the dogs. Otis even got a couple of nice walks out through the field behind the camper. Wednesday night we pulled into Miller Creek RV park. We've posted its website under our links. It is located at the junction of highway 290 and 28l between Johnson City and Blanco, Texas. Our first impressions of the area are all good. We will be here until the Summer heat encourages us to move on. Pictures of the RV park and area to come.