Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Exploring Campbellsville
We were surprised upon arriving in the Campbellsville area that it has the feel of being in the western states. The hills are steep and wooded giving the feel of being in the mountains, and the sky is a high blue dome with distant horizons. The air has a cool fresh quality similar to what Roy and I remember from our years in Idaho. The area has nice homes, and the schools look well-supported.
I would classify the community of Campbellsville, as being medium-sized. It is a mix of strip malls along the highway with all the stores you could want, and an old downtown with narrow streets from the horse and buggy days. We're located close to both.
Some downtown buildings are sitting vacant, but many have interesting shops. The business areas are concise, and then the area quickly goes rural.
We discovered this painting in a memorial park to the back of the Taylor County courthouse. Roy and I were surprised to see Union soldiers portrayed. We thought southern Kentucky would be part of the Cival War Confederacy. My brother, Jim, gave us a book we're enjoying called, Confederates in the Attic. It's by Tony Horwitz. It is full of historic information, as well as, interviews with people in present times regarding their feelings about the Cival War. I'm sure we'll learn a lot. We'll share what we learn in future postings.