Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tour of Homes
What's it take to follow a dream?
A premier motor coach with a satellite dish and ...........................
.........a tow vehicle with coordinated graphics?
A customized semi-truck cab pulling a huge 5th wheel and cute tow vehicle? I bet the camper has a built in garage!
A single unit toy hauler for your motorcycles, four wheelers, kayaks, workshop, or more?
A luxury home that you can take with you? If your haven't been inside one of these large units, check them out. They are gorgeous!
A home that seems to be popular?
A classic older home? Nice folks; Joe & June. Otis and June have struck-up a friendship.
....a vintage Winnebago? The name was top of the line in its day, and may still be.
.... a large camper with 2 bedrooms?
....a solar and veggie oil powered modified school bus called, The Rocket? Bettie and Jim, the Rocketeers and independent artists, invite you to take a tour of their home and sample their artistic works at: http://www.suburbanoidfatties.com/
......a 24' camper with two cute dogs? It's a good size for boondocking off the beaten path!
...just a bit smaller, please?
...a camper with lots of sleeping space? This camper has a pop-out on the side and one in the front and back.
...a camper from the 50s, 60s, or 70s?
.........or just the basics? If you haven't seen inside these tiny trailers, you'll be surprised at how well the space is utilized. I've read that single men prefer the smaller trailers.
Look! Here's a spot for you! The point is; whether it be RVing or somethingelse, follow your dreams, for where there is a will, there is a way!